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Displaying items by tag: p[olitics

Thursday, 28 February 2019 21:57

India: more Christians targeted

Persecutions of Christians in India rose last year. A report by the Evangelical Fellowship of India recorded 325 incidents where Christians were targeted using violence, intimidation or harassment. However, more disturbing was the sudden spurt of violence in districts of Uttar Pradesh, the country's most populous province, and in Tamil Nadu in the extreme south of the subcontinent. The report acknowledged that its data were not exhaustive, as it relied on voluntary reporting and civil society investigations. 'Most cases go unreported either because the victim and witnesses are terrified, or the police just turn a blind eye and refuse to record the mandatory First Information Report of the crime.’ The approaching general election in April/May has contributed to tensions. Politicians’ hate speeches are acting as a catalyst in dividing people. Christians are collateral victims. Also in the lead-up to elections the ‘cold war’ between India and Pakistan is heating up, with military from both sides launching attacks. See

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